Elizabeth Cosgrove, E-RYT, is the Founder and Director of Yoga Mandara and Mount Mandara, School of Yoga. She is a member of Yoga Alliance and The International Association of Yoga Therapists. Elizabeth brings humor, creativity, and fun, to the practice of yoga with experience since 1974. Her in-depth studies in Anusara Yoga and the bio-mechanics of the human body, her extensive training in the therapeutic application of yoga, and her exhaustive work on clients and students, have all helped to develop and refine her techniques and method.
Innumerous teachers from the great traditions of yoga have helped to shape the solid firmament onto which Elizabeth’s rich garden of knowledge has grown. Informed by many years of practice and study, she offer’s treasures of wisdom collected from her long journey OMward.
Her diverse studies have included masters and great souls of many yogic traditions, including the precision and depth of Iyengar Yoga and Anusara Yoga, the breath work and kriyas of kundalini yoga, the mediations of raja yoga, the mantras and chanting of bhakti yoga, the philosophy and practices of tantric yoga, and Hindu mythology, all have inspired her practice and shaped her unique style of over four decades.
From 1999-2012 she studied extensively with John Friend and Anusara yoga’s senior teachers, as well as among the world’s most erudite scholars of tantric yoga and philosophy, Dr. Douglas Brooks, Paul Muller-Ortega, Bill Mahoney.
Elizabeth has found a unique and creative way to impart this knowledge to her students through a comprehensive and empowering method that is infused with strong alignment principles and a focus on the therapeutic application of yoga, as she seamlessly weaves Hindu mythology, tantric philosophy, astrology, sacred poetry, music, and chanting into her classes.
All of the senses are engaged in an awakening of the self!